
Welcome from the Chair of Governors

On behalf of the Governing Body, I’d like to welcome you to St Andrew’s CofE Primary School.

The governing body is responsible for the conduct of its school, and must promote high standards of educational achievement at the school. It is the school's accountable body. We are made up from staff, parents, local church representatives and other interested parties from the local community.

The role of the Governing Body is varied and some things we do are providing a strategic view of the school by establishing a vision, purpose and aims. Set and approve the school budget, oversee admissions and monitor the effectiveness of all plans, policies and procedures.

You’ll learn more about the work of the Governing Body through our termly newsletters. 

Rev Andrew Studdert-Kennedy
Chair of Governors

Governing Body Overview

The role of the Governing Body at St Andrew's CofE School is:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its students, and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
  • Upholding the Christian ethos of the School.

Governing Body Documents


Admissions Committee

Nicola Dallibar (or representative)
Andrew Studdart-Kennedy (Chair)
Nemesha Bala

Admissions - to finalise the admissions process once places have been allocated by the borough.

Teaching & Learning Committee

Nicola Dallibar (or representative)
Marana Astill
Nemesha Bala
Andrew Studdart-Kennedy

Pay Committee

Nicola Dallibar (or representative)
Arlene Morgan
Andrew Studdart-Kennedy

Resources & Finance Committee

Nicola Dallibar (or representative)
Rosa Capuano (School Business Manager)
Andrew Studdert-Kennedy
Hannah I’Anson

Full Governing Body (FGB) Meeting Dates 2023-24

Dates to follow...