School Day

School Opening Hours

Reception – Year 6
08:40 – 15:15 (32.9 hours)
Registers are taken at 08:45 (32.5 hours)

15 hours: 08:40 – 11:45
30 hours: 08:40 – 14:40
Full day: 08:45 – 15:15
For more information about Nursery hours, please see here.

Attendance and Punctuality

At St. Andrew’s we recognise the importance of regular attendance in order for children to achieve their full potential. As a result, the class with the highest monthly attendance is rewarded with a non-uniform day.

All absences must be explained on the day either by email,, or by telephone, 01895 232768.

Absences resulting from sickness or diarrhoea require pupils to remain home until symptoms have ceased for 48 hours.

Collective Worship

As a Church of England School there are daily acts of Christian worship. We have regular visits from local clergy and Christian youth workers and children also participate in regular church services at our local parish churches of St. Andrew’s and St. Margaret’s.

Each class conducts a class assembly during the year. This is an opportunity for the children to share their learning with the school and their families.

Every class creates their own ‘class cross’ and each classroom has a Prayer Area: here the class prayers are displayed and children have the opportunity to visit this area and talk to God.

More information about our Christian ethos can be found here.

Collective Worship

Collective Worship


St. Andrew’s is fully committed to providing a range of after school and extra-curricular clubs to our pupils. Some clubs are run by school staff and others by external providers. Club details are shared on a termly basis.

Examples of clubs available to children are:

  • Choir
  • Gymnastics
  • Football
  • Gymnastics
  • Netball
  • Rounders
  • Multisports
  • Phonics and Reading

In addition we have popular Breakfast and After School Clubs. For more information click here.

School Clubs

School Clubs

School Houses

At St. Andrew’s we have four School Houses: St. George (Red); St. Andrew (Blue); St. David (Yellow) and, St. Patrick (Green). Points are earned throughout the year by completing challenges and the cup is awarded after Sports’ Day.