Recent Events
Family Gardening Day
On a sunny Saturday in September staff, pupils, families and friends of St. Andrew’s came together to renovate the Prayer Garden area outside the Year 4 and 5 classrooms.
As part of the fundraising from The Friends during the previous year, a donation of £2,000 was made to cover the cost of soil, plants, bark and wooden planters.
The children helped to sweep leaves and the adults worked on sanding and painting benches, building the planters and pulling up the old artificial grass.
All helpers were served up bacon sandwiches, tea, coffee and home-made cakes as a reward for their hard work and support.
Over the course of the year, each class will take ownership of one of the planters, and will be planting bulbs or seeds linked to their Science topics.
(click on the image to view a larger version)
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day
Family Gardening Day