Recent Events
Jubilee Picnic at St. Andrew’s CofE Primary School
We celebrated and commemorated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee a little earlier than most. This was due to our Year 6s being away on their residential for the last week of term.
On Friday 20th May, we invited parents and other family members to come into school to see their children in the classrooms and look at their books. This was a very special event to begin with, as many parents had not stepped foot in the school building for the past 2 years due to the global pandemic. Many families (of the younger children) had not ever been further than the classroom door before!
After some quality time in the classroom, families moved out onto the field for the Jubilee Picnic. There were ice creams and drinks, and a special Jubilee Cake, supplied by The Friends. Families brought along their own food and picnic rugs and enjoyed the gorgeous afternoon sunshine.
The school choir performed Rise Up and Serve, the special Jubilee song, composed by Graham Kendrick. They then led the whole school in one of our familiar hymns, followed by the national Anthem.
(click on the image to view a larger version)
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Picnic
Jubilee Choir
Jubilee Choir