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Pine Class trip to the Ruislip Synagogue

On Tuesday 21st February Pine Class took the train to Ruislip Manor to visit the Ruislip Synagogue.

We were made very welcome by Huw and Michelle who gave an informative, interesting and engaging talk about the synagogue, Judaism and Jewish festivals. The children all were invited to come and take a closer look at the Torah and use the yad (which means ‘hand’) to follow the beautiful Hebrew lettering. The children found out that in Hebrew the books are read from right to left.

The children and adults enjoyed the shofar being played and one child even had a go at trying to make a sound on the ram’s horn, which was extremely hard to do!

The children had a wonderful day which enhanced their learning in RE about Judaism and Jewish festivals.

(click on the image to view a larger version)

  • Ruislip Synagogue
  • Ruislip Synagogue


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