Recent Events

The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024

What an amazing afternoon we had with the grand opening of the pond. It was fantastic to see the results of the hard work of The Friends members, in what has been a labour of love for the past few months.

Thank you to all the parents and friends who came along to witness Reverend Andrew saying a blessing over the pond, and then the newly elected Mayor, Colleen Sullivan, officially opening the new pond by cutting the red ribbon.

The children sang a number of songs including Father We Adore You in a three-part round and finished with the school prayer. It was also lovely that then everyone had the chance to enter the garden surrounding the pond and experience the beautiful flora and fauna and see everything that has been lovingly planted, constructed and tended. We are so very grateful to everyone who has contributed to this wonderful project and are really looking forward to using it as an outdoor classroom and a special space for children and staff.

After the official activities, the children went back inside to get ready for home and the parents were able to have refreshments; teas and coffees, cakes supplied by the children from Pine Class, and home-made samosas from a generous supporter.

It was a wonderful afternoon, and the Pond itself is now a beautiful area that can be used for classes and groups. Holly Class have already had a story time out there and enjoyed the wonderful sights and sounds of the birds and the flowers. It will certainly be very well loved and used over the years to come.

The members of The Friends have done an amazing job to transform the area. They have managed to persuade lots of local businesses to donate their time and resources for free; and through hours of hard work they have completely renovated the whole area to an amazing standard.

(click on the image to view a larger version)

  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024
  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024
  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024
  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024
  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024
  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024
  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024
  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024
  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024
  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024
  • The Pond Grand Opening – May 2024


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